What is dual enrollment?

In Iowa, dual enrollment is a legal option for students under Competent Private Instruction (CPI) to access public school services, activities, classes, and materials.

Below, you will find details about dual enrollment, including information on:

  • how it is accessed and funded
  • how it is related to HSAP and open enrollment in Iowa
  • how it is used to access to public school activities and classes
  • how it is utilized to obtain special education services and extras

Dual Enrollment Access and Funding

How do I access dual enrollment for a student of Compulsory Attendance Age?

For homeschooled students of compulsory school attendance age (6-16), dual enrollment is accessed by completely submitting the CPI Form A (with the dual enrollment option selected) and meeting all additional requirements for the chosen CPI option granting access to dual enrollment  (either CPI Option 1 or CPI Option 2 with Opt-In Reporting).

How do I access dual enrollment for a student not Compulsory Attendance Age?

For students younger than age 6 or age 16 and older (on September 15), dual enrollment is accessed by filing an abbreviated CPI Form A, with only the personal identification items and the dual enrollment item completed. Instructional program information need not be provided and no teacher supervision or annual assessment results reporting are required.

Do school districts receive funding for dual enrolled students?

Public school districts include dual enrolled students on their state funding reports.

For each dual enrolled student, they receive 10% of the per-student funding the state provides for fully enrolled students.

(Schools can receive a higher percentage, based upon usage, for secondary students.)

Dual Enrollment, HSAP Enrollment & Open Enrollment

Is dual enrollment the same as enrollment in a Home School Assistance Program (HSAP)?

Dual enrollment is not the same as enrollment in a Home School Assistance Program [HSAP].

Homeschooled student access to public school services, activities, and classes that are provided for regularly enrolled students must be obtained through dual enrollment – not HSAP enrollment.

Homeschooled students can be only dual enrolled, only HSAP enrolled, or both dual enrolled and HSAP enrolled.

May I use open enrollment to access dual enrollment in different school district than my own?

Yes. You must follow the prescribed procedures outlined in the open enrollment law and rules. This includes the submission of the required application to the resident district.

Note that, although a 2022 law change eliminated it, a 2024 law change reinstated the March 1 filing deadline. Exceptions are allowed if good cause can be presented.

Student athletes have mandatory waiting periods before they can participate in sports in a new district after open enrolling.

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Dual Enrollment for Activities and Classes

Can my dual enrolled student participate in sports or activities at the public school?

A homeschooled dual-enrolled student can participate in sports and extracurricular activities at a public school on the same basis as regularly enrolled students. Participating students must meet eligibility requirements. Parents can submit an eligibility form to verify student status.

Any activity fees charged to regularly enrolled students for the specific activities accessed will also apply to the homeschool dual enrolled student - but only for the specific activity accessed. Schools are not to charge dual-enrolled students the comprehensive fee assessed fully-enrolled students.

Can my dual enrolled student take classes at the public school?

Dual-enrolled homeschooled students can take classes at the local public school on the same basis as a regularly enrolled student. At least one-fourth of the child's instruction must be by way of competent private instruction and no more than three-fourths via the public school.

Any activity fees charged to regularly enrolled students will also apply to the homeschool dual enrolled student – but only for the specific classes accessed. Schools are not to charge dual-enrolled students the comprehensive fee charged to students who are fully-enrolled for a complete schedule of public school classes..

Can my dual enrolled student take college classes under the Senior Year Plus option?

Dual-enrolled homeschooled students can utilize the Senior Year Plus option and take college classes paid for by state funds on the same basis as a regularly enrolled student.

At least one-fourth of the child's instruction must be by way of Competent Private Instruction (with reporting) and no more than three-fourths via Senior Year Plus options.

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Dual Enrollment for Special Education & Extras

Can my dual enrolled student receive special education services through the public school and AEA?

Yes. However, parents of students who receive such services must seek approval to homeschool from the AEA Director of Special Education Services.

They must also submit to the public school system's IEP for the student.


Under dual enrollment, must the school district give me textbooks, teacher’s editions, and/or a computer?

A school district is only required to provide you with available materials that are provided on the same basis to regularly enrolled students.

These provisions will be governed by individual school policies and will vary from district to district across the state.

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